Call Us Now! (702) 818-1157 • (888) 684-3122
Profitability Consulting for Small, Midsize, and Enterprise Organizations.
Make More. Keep More. Improve Your Bottom-Line Today.
Получите доступ к неограниченному бесплатному некоммерческому финансированию.
В компании «Критерти» мы помогаем привлекать неограниченное и бесплатное финансирование для некоммерческих организаций. Для них это на 100% бесплатно. Старая модель сбора средств во многом терпит неудачу, и у нас есть решение, основанное на наших уникальных услугах по сокращению затрат, как описано ниже. Если вам или какой-либо некоммерческой организации (школе, церкви, молодежной спортивной команде, фонду и т. д.) требуется дополнительное финансирование, мы можем помочь.
Best of all, we don't charge our nonprofits anything for our help in this way.
Спросите нас, как вы можете использовать нашу банковскую платформу и карту социального воздействия для сбора средств для вашей некоммерческой организации. Представьте себе, что вы получаете доход каждый раз, когда один из ваших сторонников, поклонников или спонсоров использует свою банковскую карту в любой точке мира, где принимаются карты MasterCard. Наблюдайте за повторяющимся, расширяющимся потоком доходов, поступающим в вашу организацию каждый раз, когда они покупают бензин, продукты, путешествуют и т. д. Им не нужно покупать что-то новое или изучать что-то новое. Мы все знаем, как пользоваться дебетовой картой. Возможно, это именно то решение, которое вы искали. Назначьте встречу сегодня, чтобы узнать больше здесь.
Our extraordinary legal and tax credit recovery team can help recover up to $26,000 per W-2 employee for 85% of businesses, through the COVID C.A.R.E.S. Act Employee Retention tax credit recovery program. Designed specifically for businesses with from 2 to 500 W-2 employees, this is not a loan, you pay zero upfront or out-of-pocket and you never have to repay it. Did you keep employees on during COVID? Was your business impacted or did it even go out of business? This is another way we can save money for your business and also raise money for nonprofits. It can add up fast!
We may be able to help. Reach out to us today.
to learn more.
At Certainty we use our banking, cost-reduction, and efficiency/tax credit recovery expertise to help your favorite nonprofits raise unlimited zero-cost funding. We charge zero for this surface and can help:
Imagine if your school, church, team, or foundation had 200 members (families, friends, boosters, alumni, etc.) and each one of them speaks to only 10 other people about this new two x buying power "social impact" banking platform and how they could support your nonprofit just by increasing their own buying power. The numbers could grow exponentially, the funding that can occur could be unlimited.
Есть несколько других способов, с помощью которых мы можем помочь любым бизнес-клиентам, с которыми мы работаем, сэкономить. Возможно, мы сможем помочь им получить доступ к возмещению налогов на заработную плату, ценным налоговым льготам FICA, налоговым льготам 1099 независимых подрядчиков, значительной экономии за счет снижения затрат и многому другому. Свяжитесь с нами сегодня, чтобы узнать об этой уникальной и мощной возможности:
Imagine if your school, church, team, or foundation had 200 members (families, friends, boosters, alumni, etc.) and each one of them speaks to only 10 other people about this new two x buying power "social impact" banking platform and how they could support your nonprofit just by increasing their own buying power. The numbers could grow exponentially, the funding that can occur could be unlimited.
This video explains how our business equipment cost reduction service can raise unlimited funding for your nonprofit. Share it with your team. It explains how this service can bring about enormous donations for your organization and the important work you're doing:
This video is for prospective donors who are currently in a lease contract for their printers or copiers. You as our nonprofit partner can send this to your client. It invites them to support you by working with us and simply asks "for their help not their money." This is the key to it all. So many donors want to help but are stretched thin. If they can do so without it having to come out of their current budget, they're happy to help. Imagine raising unlimited funding without having to sell things, ask for donations, or try to get difficult grants. Imagine being able to say, "If you really want to help, here's a way you can do so."
Regardless of the type of savings we help a business recover, you benefit by referring them our way. When any of your referrals show interest, connect them with us by clicking here and we'll do the rest of the legwork (presentation, Q & A, document collection, renegotiation, etc.). If you'll simply introduce us to new prospective clients, we will help them save a great deal then gift you 50% of whatever we earn. These payouts can add up fast.
Наша модель обходится вам, вашей команде и клиентам нулевыми затратами. Все выигрывают.
All your team has to do is spread the word that these free options exist.
Мы жертвуем 50% от всего, что зарабатываем на ваших рефералах (и их рефералах тоже).
We also invite these new clients and their referrals to match our donations.
To learn more or get started, reach out to the person who introduced you to us, call us at (888) 684-3122, email us at, or schedule a time to meet with us at your convenience
Insights from a Nonprofit Development Director
Thoughts From a 25-Year Fundraising Expert
Certainty Team Members Discuss Our Free Fundraising Program
Hey, students. Graduate from school 100% debt-free.
At Certainty we're big fans of education. Our children are our future and it's important that opportunities exist for them to be able to learn, grow, and become all that they can be. We're very concerned, though, about the rising cost of higher education and the debt-load that so often comes with it. We created The Certainty Fellowship, to try to help. It's a new program for us, an internship of sorts, to help any student attend college or a trade school if they want to, afford to do so, and be able to graduate 100% debt-free.
There is zero cost to take part in The Certainty Fellowship. Read below for a summary of the program and how it works and click
here to view our two-page PDF outlining how to get started and join the Freedom Movement today!
Students these days come in all shapes and sizes, from many different backgrounds, with a variety of opportunities, challenges, support systems, and more. Some receive scholarships and others do not. Many have support while others could use more of it. Most have a common goal, though, no matter their situation, of going to school, of forging their path, and building a brighter future for themselves and those they love. At Certainty, we can help.
К сожалению, многие студенты сталкиваются с ранее неизбежной проблемой: они берут на себя студенческие долги, чтобы реализовать свои профессиональные и личные мечты. Задолженность по студенческим кредитам в Америке в настоящее время превышает ошеломляющие 1,8 триллиона долларов, при этом средний студент берет взаймы 37 000 долларов для получения степени бакалавра, 83 000 долларов для получения степени магистра и более 125 000 долларов для получения степени доктора/доктора. Мы знаем, что многие в конечном итоге имеют гораздо больший долг. В нашем понимании этого можно избежать. Это не обязательно должно быть нашей реальностью. Если мы будем работать вместе, мы сможем помочь друг другу и помочь учащимся во всем мире закончить обучение и начать свою жизнь без тяжелых долгов, связанных со школой, которые в конечном итоге нависают над головами многих учеников.
Students need three main things in order to graduate debt-free:
The Certainty Fellowship offers all of this and more. At Certainty Management, we offer a variety of services that help our clients improve their profitability. In other words, we help them MAKE MORE, KEEP MORE, and we encourage them to GIVE MORE too (i.e., "Pay it Forward"). Most folks we meet are interested once they hear what we can do to help. All we need is to meet more of them, which is where our Fellowship students come in. Every one of us has existing relationships with friends, family members, pastors, past employers, neighbors, and more who can benefit from what Certainty does. When you (as a CF member) refer them our way, we serve them well and you get paid, well. It's that simple. You introduce us. We do all the legwork. All you have to do is share this link with someone, follow up and see if they want to know more, schedule a time on our calendar and we literally do all the rest.
Where do you want to attend?
We can help you get there.
There is zero cost to be a part of the Certainty Fellowship, as mentioned. If you're interested in being considered as a member of the program, click here and follow the instructions in the PDF. We look forward to meeting you soon.
Any questions, shoot us an email at or call us at (888) 684-3122.
Listen in to our VoiceAmerica Business radio show, Finding Certainty, Fridays from 9-10 am Pacific. Listen to BizZne$$ BuzZ with Frank Helring on Wednesdays from 10-11 am Pacific. Find both shows after the live shows have aired on most top broadcast channels: Audible, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Apple and Google, and more.
Listen to Finding Certainty at
Слушайте BizZne$$ BuzZ на
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