Certainty Management

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Mission Matters Series - Volume 8

Banner for Mission Matters With Adam Torres and Patrick Laing

We're excited to announce that Patrick, our CEO, was recently asked to be a part of a book called Mission Matters, co-authored by popular podcaster, publisher, and entrepreneur, Adam Torres. Mission Matters is a series that focuses on CEOs whose businesses are making a difference. Not only was Patrick asked to contribute a chapter, a "lesson," to the upcoming Volume 8 of the series, but he was also invited to write the introduction and be on

They talked about the upcoming book on a podcast on a YouTube live August 16th at 10:15 am. Watch the Live Stream here: https://lnkd.in/ggQ3essz .

Here's what Adam is posting on their various social media channels about it:

By Patrick Laing November 11, 2024
Honoring Service: A Veterans Day Reflection. This Veterans Day, we take a moment to honor the courageous men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. It’s a day to recognize their sacrifices, bravery, and unwavering dedication to our nation. As a veteran-owned profit consulting firm, we hold this day close to our hearts, as it reflects values that are foundational to both our team and our mission as a whole.
By plaing August 9, 2022
I've spoken previously about being invited to be a host on VoiceAmerica Business and how we have been preparing to launch our new channel, Finding Certainty, on August 12th. Well, this is the week. Just 3 more days and our first show will take place, with our flagship guest and colleague, Frank Helring of TheHubMart LLC. Frank is an accomplished entrepreneur and business leader as well as the VoiceAmerica Business host of BiZZne$$ BuZZ who had me on the show, recommended I consider radio in the first place, and introduced me to VoiceAmerica General Manager and Executive Producer, Robert Ciolino. I thought it only appropriate to "return the favor," as it were, and have Frank as our very first honored guest. We both care deeply about empowering and strengthening small business, nonprofits, and communities in the process. I wanted to thank him for his mentorship and assistance, helping our channel come together, tell the story (on air) of how it came about, and talk about how we can--together--help lend a hand. It should be good. 
By plaing August 9, 2022
You Deserve a Stress-Free Financial Life. Our Certainty Partner, Credit iQ, offers holistic solutions to your financial wellbeing - and they've been doing so for over 30 years. Often, the higher your credit score is (740 - 770 ideally), your buying power increases with faster approval times. Credit iQ is a credit restoration firm that can help you quickly obtain the credit scores you deserve. Book an appointment with them and mention Certainty Management when you do (see link below) a nd receive a comprehensive credit and financial fitness coaching overview as our gift. Pay just $50.00; the regular price is $300 and this includes your significant other's credit and financial plan as well. Also included, you will receive a copy of both of your full mortgage lender's credit reports with REAL SCORES, a soft inquiry (it will not drop your score). These are not the fake Credit Karma consumer scores. Get started today at https://calendly.com/creditiqorg/15min?month=2020-12. Here are some more helpful links: All The Tools We Can Offer All In One Financial Solution Experts Testimonials Video's of Actual Clients Credit Score Results Success Stories Credit Score Calculator. See how your FICO score affects home loans. How to Maximize Your Credit Scores Quick education guide.
By plaing May 30, 2022
As we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day this Monday, May 30th, I can't help but reflect on the mentors and heroes I've worked with and the priceless memories I've built with them throughout the years. I have so many examples, lessons, experiences, and more to draw from. I'm the man that I am because of them and their guidance and I'm grateful for all they've shared. I wanted to recognize a few of them as my Memorial Day gift (to them and to our team). These are the men and boys who are molding me into the father, husband, brother, and business owner I am today. I hope to have the same impact on my own kids, friends, and colleagues that they have had on me.
By plaing May 28, 2022
Another organization we are working to try to raise funds for and are big fans of is "Bridal Up Hope - The Rachel Covey Foundation," started by Sean Covey, son of well known "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" author, Stephen R. Covey, and his wife, Rebecca. The nonprofit was started in memory of their daughter, Rachel, who unfortunately lost her life on Sept. 6th, 2012. The foundation helps young women dealing with mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, and more to improve. They provide equestrian therapy that incorporates the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, teaching girls how to incorporate the seven (7) principles into the girls' work with the horses and also in their personal lives. The following paragraphs from their website are a good summary of their work: Ride Learn the foundations of horsemanship through 14 private lessons with a mentoring instructor. Research shows that riding and connecting with horses leads to significant physical, emotional, and psychological benefits for participants.¹ Learn Develop critical life skills through The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People— principles which are integrated in horse riding, art, and yoga lessons at the barn. Research shows that The 7 Habits are powerful tools to teach problem solving, positive peer interactions, self-leadership, and whole-person wellness.² Serve Build work ethic, friendships, and perspective through service at the barn. Research shows that building social connections in a safe place is one of the strongest protections against self-harm.³
By plaing May 27, 2022
Through our fundraising work, we meet a lot of great nonprofits ... organizations that are truly making a difference in the lives of so many. One of our favorites is Shriners Hospital and the work they're doing to help children in need of burn care, prosthetic work, ambulatory therapy, and much, much more. We're honored to call them our friends and to see the extraordinary work they do. We hope you'll do what you can to support them. They need all the help that they can get.
By plaing May 26, 2022
Patrick Laing, Certainty Management Managing Partner, was interviewed on BizznessBuzz.com, one of the Voice America radio business shows, today, May 25th 2022, about the work Certainty is doing to help businesses lower their costs and nonprofits increase their funding. They talked about how small business, especially, is in desperate need of help, how the traditional fundraising model is largely broken, and Certainty has a solution (and not just a fix but a model that many others could pattern their own efforts after). It's about reciprocity between for-profit and nonprofit entities, about working together in a mutually-beneficial way. It was an enjoyable and a worthwhile conversation. Click here to listen to the conversation if you'd like.
By plaing May 26, 2022
At Certainty, we get invited to a number of nonprofit fundraising galas each year. They're an important part of the fundraising process and we feel honored to attend and participate in such events. While our zero-cost fundraising approach can add significant value to our nonprofit partners' ongoing efforts, and we do believe it's an easier, even more sustainable, approach to fundraising ... we're just one piece of the total pie, a compliment to so many selfless, life changing, and even life-saving efforts. These pics from the Operation Underground Railroad gala held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Laguna Niguel, California on May 6th, 2022, are a good example of these types of events. Every little bit helps and this was one of the most impressive events we've seen. We appreciated being invited.
May 26, 2022
You've heard us talk about Operation Underground Railroad quite a bit if you've been around Certainty Management for any length of time at all. While we support and encourage any nonprofit that is seeking (and proven) to do good, we have a special affinity with Operation Underground Railroad since we've been fans of theirs for years and they were the first nonprofit who helped us realize what we could accomplish as a zero-cost nonprofit funding partner. This, and our deep love of and concern for kids. We're all parents and we couldn't imagine if it was our own children who were living through the hell of slavery/sex trafficking. O.U.R. is making an extraordinary difference in this area just as we're working to make a difference in our own little corner of the world. Tim Ballard left his post as a special agent for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to form Operation Underground Railroad and go undercover to rescue child sex trafficking victims that he couldn't save when bound by government restrictions. This documentary introduces you to their world and work, as Tim and his special forces team go undercover in Haiti to bring a ring of sex traffickers who bribed their way out of jail to justice. Click here to watch the Trailer (also listed on our About page). Click here to watch the full Operation Toussaint trailer
By plaing April 9, 2022
As an authorized affiliate of Emergent 3, we have the extraordinary opportunity to help protect our clients from any crisis or threat. The reason the E3 Smart Map Security App is needed should go without saying. There are threats all around. The problems the world faces today from natural disasters, pandemics, terrorism, bomb threats, active shooters and other crises and emergencies require innovative strategies and advanced technology solutions in order to respond to and mitigate these impacts within our public, private, and educational institutions. As denoted by our name, Emergent 3’s mission is developing innovative technology solutions to help organizations respond to emergencies safeguarding institutions' and companies' most valuable resources; you, family, students, employees, and the general public. In addition to transforming safety management solutions, our goal is to cast light on emerging threats by leading and inviting thought leadership within the public and private sectors to enhance awareness and collaboration aimed at keeping our communities safer.
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